BSA-Architects, Inc. began as Building Services Associates, a sole proprietorship established in 1976 and incorporated in 1984. The first principals were David D. Red, Architect and Professor Emeritus of the University of Houston, and Richard D. Jarvis, a 1977 Architecture graduate from the University of Houston. BSA began its practice providing Architectural Services on small and medium sized residential and commercial projects, mainly renovations and remodeling. The firm also supplied a wide range of auxiliary services to other businesses in the architectural, design, and construction industries, including research, site investigation and inspection, estimating, project drafting, and model building. In the late 1970’s, BSA began to offer a full scope of Architectural Services to the business community and the general public. BSA has weathered the recession and growth storms of our regional economy, and has grown from a two-person proprietorship completing projects manually to a medium-sized firm utilizing the most modern technologies in computer-aided design and production drawings. BSA now provides services on nearly one hundred projects every year. Mr. David Red, founder of BSA, retired from practice in 1997 but remained as a consultant in the firm until his death in late 2001.